
The Policy Research and Analysis programme's broad objective is: To facilitate improved policy and legislative environment to ensure governance and accountability in natural resources management.


Specific Objective 1. To undertake research and analysis of environment and natural resource policies.

Strategy (a) Policy research


a. Identify written policies and how they impact on natural resources.

b. Publicize the findings and disseminate to relevant stakeholders

c. Engage with networks and policy makers that seek to improve specific policies and their implementation

d. Carry out research on unwritten policies


i. Presence of printed policy documents on Natural Resources at FAN

ii. Documented research policy results on the management of natural resources

iii. The public demanding for research findings


Strategy (b) Media Monitoring


a. Support Media to attend public forums

b. Collect information from collaborators

c. Monitor International conventions and protocols through the media



i. Records of policy makers responses

ii. Records of Improved/new policies in natural resources

iii. Newspaper cuttings available at FAN

iv. Annual reports available at FAN

v. Information from the internet available at FAN



Specific Objective 2. To improve citizens access to information on natural resource governance.


Strategy (c.) Simplification of policy documents


a. Produce simplified materials in languages understood by communities

b. Support awareness creation through the media

c. Create awareness through public forums

d. Produce news letters

e. Develop media database



i. No of simplified IEC materials produced in different languages

ii. No. of media partnerships entered by FAN

iii. No. of public forms supported by FAN

iv. No. of newsletters produced

v. Presence of a media database


Specific objective 3. To support partners to promote accountability and good governance for sustainable development


Strategy (d) Capacity building


a. To support and facilitate communities in discussion forums on accountability

b. To support partners to develop methods for tracking accountability

c. Develop simplified IEC materials on accountability and governance



i. No. of discussion forums held

ii. No. of communities supported to develop tracking systems

iii. No. and types of IEC materials developed


Specific Objective 4: To build community capacity in policy advocacy and lobbying


Strategy (e.) Capacity building



a. Training of partners in policy and advocacy skills

b. Support partners to undertake policy analysis, advocacy and lobbying

c. Development of materials

d. Development of simplified IEC for advocacy



i. No. of community groups trained in policy advocacy

ii. No. of community groups engaged in policy advocacy

iii. Presence of simplified materials

iv. No. of simplified materials developed