
Environmental Protection and Conservation

The programme works closely with communities and stakeholders to achieve its objective of enhancing environmental protection and conservation

Specific Objective



1. Strengthen public awareness and participation in mitigating environmental degradation and pollution

  • Information sharing
  • Capacity building
  • Establishing Resource centres
  1. Generate, publish and distribute IEC materials
  2. Train CBOs, women and youth groups
  3. Establish and strengthen resource centres

2. Advocate for the enforcement of tools and instruments for environmental conservation and protection

  • Advocacy and Lobbying
  • Capacity building
  1. Develop and disseminate advocacy and lobbying materials
  2. Training staff of enforcing bodies
  3. Participating in relevant meetings of regulatory bodies

3. Promote soil and water conservation

  • Facilitate community participation
  • Tree planting
  • Advocacy and Lobbying
  • Formation of CFAs and Water Conservation Committees
  • Awareness creation on provisions contained in the water policy and legislation


Over the past decade, the Forest Action Network has undertaken different projects under this programme with the most notable ones being:

1. Coordinating Civil Society in Kenya on Climate

This project was supported by Oxfam GB and its overall goal was to “ enable the coordiantion of civil society in Kenya on climate” some of the noted achievements from this project included the formation of the Kenya Climate Change Working Group (KCCWG); an engagement between then MP Hon. Franklin Bett and the KCCWG who contributed to the Global Warming Bill that he intended to bring before parliament; a research on climate change and conflicts over natural resources was carried out in Tana River and findings used in drafting the Global Warming Bill; a website for KCCWG was set up and resources mobilized for the operationalization of the climate change working group.

2. Support to Community and Institutional Structures for Successful Implementation of the Forests Act 2005 (Amendments, 2016)The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) supported FAN and the Kenya Forest Working Group (KFWG) through Pact Kenya - Kenya Civil Society Strengthening Programme (KCSSP) to guide the implementation of the Forests Act of 2005. Some of the objectives under this project included:

i. Support to KFS to develop and put in place mechanisms for the foramtion and operationalization of CFAs and FCCs

ii. Strengthen the capacity of local institutions, conservancy committees and the National Alliance of Community Forest Associations (NACOFA) for the implementation of the develved forest managememtn structure under Participatory Forest Management (PFM)

iii. Catalyze and sustain and advovacy campaign on fast ttracking implementation of the Forests Act 2005 throuhg NACOFA, Central Highladns consdrevancy and CFAs.

During the project period: rules and regulations on nominations of CFA representatives and draft rules under Section 59(2) of the Forests Act 2005 were developed, Central Highlands FCCs were capacity built, a manual to guide CFA formation was developed and PFM guidelines were developed and NACOFA provided with institutional support.


3. Environmental Advocacy and Awareness for Poverty Alleviation

Through the now defunct Community Development Trust Fund (CDTF), FAN was involved in the “Environmental Advocacy and Awareness for Poverty Alleviation” project that sought to improve the livelihoods of communities living adjacent to the Mau and Mt. Kenya forests.

With the support of the Resource Conflict Institute (RECONCILE) FAN carried out sensitization meetings and forums for communities and councillors in Embu, Nyeri, Meru, Embu, Molo and Eldama Ravine and drafted environment or forest by-laws which were forwarded to the Ministry of Local Government for approval. FAN also engaged with over 10 media houses and more than 30 media practitioners from the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Nation Media Group (NMG), Standard Group, Royal Media Services and others.

4. Curriculum Development in Tourism and Environmental Management

In 2009, FAN was awarded an assignment by the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife - under the Catering and Tourism Development Levy Trustees (CTDLT) - to develop curriculum modules in Tourism and Environmetnal Management. Some activities undertaken when carrying out this consultancy included:

  • Review of existing training guidelines and codes of practices
  • A survey of existing rules and regulations governing the administration, implementation and evalutation of the curriculum modules
  • An inverntor y of suitable existing teaching and learning materials and activites
  • Crafting of curriculum structure and technical tools
  • Preparation of draft modules with specific objectives; Rules and regulations governing their administration, implemetnation and evaluation; training modes; suitable teaching and learning materials and activites
  • A stakeholder seminar forum was held for the validation od draft modules and feedback incorporated into the draft modules that were then forwarded to CTDLT
  • A final report was generated and forwaded to CTDLT

5. Support to Climate Change Advocacy in Kenya - TROCAIRE

After KCCWG was formed, TROCAIRE supported its activities through the Forest Action Network. Some of the notable achievements over the 2-year project period included:

a) KCCWG’s working structure was put in place and a project officer assigned and a national steering committee put in place to coordinate the project.

b) A parliamentarians awareness workshop was organized that re-engineered the Parliamentarians Network on Renewable Energy and Climate Change (PANERECC) where the National Assembly Speaker launched PANERECC officially and endorsed its mandate to lead Parliament on climate change issues with KCCWG and PACJA

c) KCCWG was involved in the planning of the parliamentarians summit on climate change and faciliated members to participate in COP15 climate change talks in Copenhagen

d) KCCWG membership was increased from 45 to 126 members between March to September 2009.

6. Support to Climate Change Advocacy in Kenya - CORDAID

FAN participated in the further institutional development of the Kenya Climate Change Working Group (KCCWG). The mission of the working group is to advocate for a positive policy and legislative framework that puts into account the effects of climate change on human development. KCCWG also seeks to support civil society organizations and the Government of Kenya to participate meaningfully in the climate change debates at international levels such as the Conference of Parties (COP) on climate change.

Some of the achievements during the implementation period included:

a) KCCWG organized and participated in several workshops including the Pastoralists Forum for limate Change where pastoralists were engaged on the impact climate change had on their livelihoods; they added their voice to the climate change policy.

b) Awareness on the effects of climate change on pastoralists, peasant farmers and the water and energy sector was created through media workshops, print material and newsletters and engagement between KCCWG and parliamentary members
